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EVlution: Your Hub For Sustainable Transportation Solutions

August 18, 2023


At EVlution, we’re driven by the goal of transforming how you power your electric vehicles. We offer eco-conscious charging solutions that strike a balance between practicality and environmental responsibility, harnessing the boundless energy of nature.

Our commitment lies in offering sustainable transportation solutions and promoting the adoption of electric vehicles. As a reputable provider of EV chargers in Alberta and British Columbia, we strive to bring about a transformation in how people charge their vehicles. Our focus is on delivering sustainable charging options that cater to the needs of our clients and contribute to a greener future.

Our Services

EVlution provides a wide range of EV charging solutions, such as:

  •   Turnkey Installation
  •   EVlution Network
  •   Operations and Maintenance
  •   Charging As A Service (CaaS)

Turnkey Installation

At EVlution, our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to delivering unprecedented services to help you with your electric adventures.

Our turnkey installation entails a fully equipped and ready-to-use solution that encompasses all essential components and services required to establish a functional charging station. It serves as a comprehensive, all-in-one package meticulously designed to streamline the process for the customer, making it a hassle-free experience.

Our turnkey installation option provides our customers with:

  •  Hardware: The charging station itself, which includes the charging unit, connectors, cables, and any necessary accessories.
  •  Software: The charging management software that allows users to initiate and track charging sessions, manage payments, and access other functionalities.
  •  Site Assessment: An evaluation of the location to determine the best placement of the charging station, taking into account factors such as accessibility, power supply, and safety.
  •  Installation Services: The actual installation of the charging station, including electrical work, mounting the hardware, and connecting it to the power grid.
  •  Ongoing Support: Maintenance and technical support to ensure the charging station remains operational and to address any issues that may arise.

EVlution Network

The comprehensive and inclusive EVlution Network helps our clients to access various amazing features, such as accepting driver payments. It helps them learn the local EV charging rules and regulations that can help them to avoid breaking the rules and ensures they have a safe ride.

The Network helps them to monitor their charger performance to ensure optimal performance and have full control of their charger’s potential. With our comprehensive EVlution Network, our clients can easily level up their charging game.

Operations And Maintenance

Are you worried about the troubles your charger may cause? Don’t be and opt for our operations and maintenance service. Our O&M service helps you ensure that your charger is in working condition and works at its full potential to power your electric rides.

Our expertise lies in delivering top-notch operations and maintenance services for your EV chargers. We take pride in ensuring our clients can embark on their electric adventures with peace of mind, knowing their chargers are in good hands. Our dedicated team is readily available to assist you and offer effective solutions. Count on us to keep your electric vehicle charger in tip-top condition, eliminating any inconveniences and allowing you to fully enjoy your ride.

Charging As A Service (CaaS)

Are you interested in introducing EV charging to your community and making a positive impact? We’re here to assist you in bringing smart EV charging solutions to life. With no upfront costs on your part, we’ll take care of the investment, installation, and management of the infrastructure needed to implement EV charging in your community. Together, we can drive change and contribute to a more sustainable future.

With Charging As A Service (CaaS), you can help your community to change forever and earn monthly revenue. Empower your community with innovative and smart solutions with EVlution.

Why Should I Choose EVlution?

EVlution distinguishes itself by delivering top-notch and sustainable solutions for charging EVs to its clients. Some of the attributes that set us apart include:

  •  Eco-friendly solution to your EV charging needs.
  •  We work closely with our clients to ensure they receive optimal solutions for their EV charging needs.
  •  Commitment to providing sustainable, eco-friendly and economically feasible solutions for EV charging stations.
  •  Commitment to helping communities empower themselves with smart solutions.

About EVlution

At EVlution, our passion lies in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and advocating for sustainable transportation solutions. As a reliable provider of electric vehicle chargers across western Canada in British Columbia and Alberta, we are dedicated to transforming the way people charge their vehicles.

Ready for an electrifying ride? Reach out to us today to get a quote and kickstart your eco-friendly journey.